José María López

Photo of José María López

Tell us about yourself

I am an expert in comprehensive SME consulting, both in its fiscal and tax aspects as well as in the economic-financial area, with extensive experience in tax planning and the optimization of corporate structures, as well as in recurrent tax advice for companies and estates.

I act as an independent advisor for several SMEs, supporting management in decision-making, and I serve as an independent advisor for various Family Offices. I represent clients before the management and inspection bodies of the Tax Administration, including the filing of appeals and claims in economic-administrative proceedings.

I hold a degree in Economics from the University of Oviedo. I have a Master's in Business Administration and Management from IESE Business School. I am a member of the Spanish Association of Tax Advisors and a member of the College of Economists of Catalonia. I have participated as a speaker in various seminars on business taxation.

What do you value most about your day-to-day life? And about being part of Baker Tilly?

Without a doubt, the great work atmosphere in our offices. Baker Tilly is a firm that cares about people, and this is evident in the small details of everyday life.

Working at Baker Tilly means facing new challenges every day, both in the technical field and in the management area. It is a firm in constant growth; very focused on care and offering high added value to our clients, and of course, on people's attention. The partners are never bored.

"Currently, our profession is constantly changing, and this demands an extra capacity for adaptation to these changes from professionals."

José María López

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