Tell us about yourself
Since 1999 I have worked as a labor consultant in national and multinational consulting firms. Part of my career has also been developed as head of HR departments.
How do you think the last few years have influenced the way we work?
The spread of teleworking has marked a before and after in the way of working, both internally in companies and in the relationship with customers. An example of this is that we meet more telematically than in person, both among ourselves and with customers.
What advice would you give to someone starting out in their career?
"That, as far as possible, he/she should dedicate himself/herself to the area, subject or profession he/she likes the most and, once found, the effort required will be more bearable and the success more gratifying. To achieve this, it is important to be flexible and have a good ability to adapt, especially nowadays, when changes are increasingly global and common."