Alberto Lizarán

Photo of Alberto Lizarán

Tell us about yourself

I am currently the partner responsible for the audit of Baker Tilly in the Levante area and I am part of the Board of Directors of Baker Tilly.

Board of Directors of Baker Tilly.

How do you think these last few years have influenced the way you work?

The option of virtual tools as a means to meet with our colleagues or clients has meant a relevant change for everything. I think it is very important to take advantage of the positive aspects that these tools give us, without forgetting the importance of closeness and physical contact with our clients and colleagues, fundamental aspects to develop our work properly.

What advice would you give to someone starting their career?

I think it is very important for someone starting their professional career to maintain a very fluid communication with their colleagues and superiors, transmitting their concerns and the evolution they are experiencing.

"I consider effort and fellowship to be two very important aspects of our profession"

Alberto Lizarán

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