Abraham Román

Partner, Corporate Director
Photo of Abraham Román

Tell us about yourself

In 2003 I set up my business advisory firm until 2015, when it was integrated into Baker Tilly, a firm with which I have been working closely since 2008.

Already in Baker Tilly after passing through different areas such as Advisory, M&A, Shared Services and Digital I was appointed corporate director to coordinate and manage the functional areas of the firm.

How do you think these last few years have influenced the way you work?

Due to exogenous causes such as economic crisis, healthcare, global socio-political changes, generational gap and digital disruption, I think we live in times of future definition of the economy and the work model. It will probably take quite a few years for us to become aware of the abrupt changes we are living in a short period of time.

What do you value most in your day-to-day life and being part of Baker Tilly?

What I value most are the good relationships with colleagues in the firm that make it very easy to face the great challenges we have at Baker Tilly.

"I feel very fortunate to have participated in these years of growth, illusion and constant construction that we have in Baker Tilly"

Abraham Román

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