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Transfer Pricing

We have a team of transfer pricing experts with knowledge of national and international regulations

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Get in touch with our transfer pricing team

Transfer pricing policies that optimise the tax burden

The management of transfer pricing is crucial for companies operating internationally. Transfer pricing, which regulates commercial transactions between related companies within the same corporate group, has a significant impact on the tax burden and profitability of companies.

The Inland Revenue and other tax authorities around the world are paying increasing attention to transfer pricing policies, ensuring that companies do not use these transactions to avoid tax or artificially transfer profits. This has led to increased regulatory complexity and the need for careful and transparent management of transfer pricing.

Our services cover all areas related to transfer pricing, from regulatory compliance to tax optimisation and pricing.

Baker Tilly carries out its work in the following areas: 

  • Compliance: This part of the work aims to meet all legal requirements regarding the formal documentation of transfer pricing, depending on the tax residence of each enterprise. 
  • Optimisation: The tax optimisation of the transfer pricing policies applied by each enterprise is sought, from a group-based perspective. 
  • Pricing: Work prior to the start of intra-group transactions in order to set the prices and conditions applicable to transactions between group companies. 
Our team
Photo of Mª Ángeles Mariñas
Mª Ángeles Mariñas
João Aranha
Transfer Pricing Partner
Baker Tilly
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